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“100 days for Fair Play” - Join us!

International Fair Play Committee /CIFP/ joined the "100 days for Fair Play" initiative, to mark the 2nd World Fair Play Day (WFPD) and to encourage people to take on a physical activity despite the pandemic. 

The European Fair Play Movement in cooperation with ASKÖ Austria, and KFP SOSV (Club fair play of the Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee) were launching the challenge "100 days for Fair Play". 

                                           Christian Hinterberger, President of EFPM, with his teammates 

The challenge started May 31, 2021, precisely 100 days before the 2nd WFPD taking place in Budapest, and it invites participating teams to accomplish the distance of 1275km, equivalent to the distance from Bruxelles - where the first WFPD took place - to Budapest.

The different teams (composed by 5 teammates) should start their challenge/activities under a common spirit, a common message. 

WHO can participate in the challenge?

Anybody who wants to promote fair play, in teams of maximum 5 participants (symbolising the five Olympic Rings) and is ready to spread the message of fair play and actively engage in sports activities.

It would be an additional nice gesture if the members of the teams could wear T-shirts/ sweatshirts in the color of the Olympic Rings (that means one member in blue, the second member in yellow, the third in black and so on).

There is no age limit! 

As it is a virtual event, participants can create teams even from different regions or countries. Importantly, participants need to find a common “identifier” in their profile name so the administrators can identify them as one team. Example: “Katarina – The Rockets”, “Oliver – The Rockets”, and “Pierre – The Rockets” would be identified as one team. 

HOW to participate?

Please sign up on Strava by creating a profile and joining the running club “100DAYS for FAIR PLAY” https://www.strava.com/clubs/100daysforFPIf you already have a profile, you just need to create a team and join the club.

We recommend you download Strava onto your phone (iPhones and Android phones support Strava). It is easier to track your progress and automatically uploaded into the “100DAYS for FAIR PLAY” Club. Alternatively, you can enter your progress manually in your profile. 

WHEN to participate?

The challenge starts May 31, 2021, and will end September 7, 2021 at 10 am CET.  We accept registrations until June 30, 2021. 

WHAT sports types are allowed?

Running, walking, inline skating, biking, rollers, wheelchair.

Each team member can choose any of above sports types and can even switch during the challenge. The important thing is doing sports and accepting the challenge! 

How will the challenge be TRACKED?

We use the application STRAVA to create the team challenge. All participating teams will track their progress on the application, thus same conditions are ensured for all participants.

Most recommended – and easiest – way is to download the Strava app or connect it to one of many devices that can track activities. You can find more information here about what devices can also be used to track your progress through Stravahttps://www.strava.com/upload/device . 

Alternatively, participants can upload their progress manually. We count on your fairness when doing so! https://www.strava.com/upload/manual  

SHARE your progress and the message of fair play!

We encourage all participating teams to post their progress, and tag our name, or to post a message of FAIR PLAY (photo, image, video, banner etc.) on Facebook  page https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanFairPlay/ and https://www.facebook.com/internationalfairplay which can be reposted to partner Facebook pages and other media. The most original message will be used to decide about the winning team in case of equal distance for more than one team. We are more than happy for your photos via e-mail to cifp@fairplayinternational.org .

Who will be declared WINNER?

The first team reaching 1275 km or, in absence of any team completing the distance, the team with the longest distance on September 7, 2021.

Each member will receive a diploma for their participation from EFPM. The best team will receive a voucher of 500 EUR for sports equipment by EFPM.

In case if more teams reach the required distance, the organizing committee will declare winner the team with the most original Facebook message. 

How will we COMMUNICATE about the challenge?

Partnering organisations are encouraged to share the challenge with local media to generate coverage. On top, we will use Social media to communicate about the challenge. We will also encourage participants to share their status, their success moments, pictures of their team. Further communication ideas will be developed together with participating organisations.