Buenos Aires Welcomes International Fair Play Committee to 3rd Summer Youth Olympic Games
Fair play is a complex concept that comprises and embodies a number of fundamental values that are not only integral to sport but relevant in everyday life. The International Fair Play Committee (CIFP) promotes sportsmanship at the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games (YOG) which takes place in the beautiful capital city of Argentina from 6 to 18 October.
At the invitation of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) the CIFP participates in the Learn & Share programme of this prestigious event for the fifth time in a row since the inception of the YOG. The edition in Buenos Aires is exceptional considering that besides the participating young athletes, the interactive and exciting fair play activities are open to the public as well.
The visitors of the CIFP booths in the Youth Olympic Park have the opportunity to play computer and board games, take part in role-play and team building activities while learning about the importance of sportsmanlike behaviour and how fair play can be applicable on and off the field.
The International Fair Play Committee teamed up with the Foundation for Global Sports Development to promote the values of sportsmanship among the young generations.
Special thanks for the support of GSD.