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Message from the President

Message from the President 

Dear Athletes, Sports Leaders and all Sport-Fans,

Both as a doctor and as a former Olympian, I deeply feel this situation You and we too got in, because of the COVID-19’ spreading.

These unfortunate events are affecting sports all around the world.

We all know, that protecting our health is more important than anything else, at the same time we must also show solidarity for all of our human beings, because we have a responsibility for each other!

We must show respect and set an example! 

I really know how difficult for an athlete, preparing for Olympics or a championship, to realize that he/she cannot compete and train in a usual way.

In such cases, this double burden makes our lives especially hard, and our souls, used to success, become sorrow.

We should trust that all evil things will soon come to an end and we can continue what we really love: the sports, the competitions, and the joy of these will soon cause beautiful moments not only for us but also for those who are supporting and cheering all of us. 

Take care of Yourself and please follow the general rules!

I wish You good health, endurance and patience!

Dr. Jenő Kamuti


International Fair Play Committee