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Report on Polish Fair Play Club's activity


The Polish Olympic Committee Fair Play Club started presentation of its award "Gentleman of the Year in Sport" in 1963 together with daily "Sztandar Młodych" and Sports Journalists Club.The first award went to an excellent boxer Zbigniew Pietrzykowski who was distinguished for his fair play behaviour. In 1977 the NOC of Poland established Fair Play Commission which was later in 1990 transformed into POC Fair Play Club. 15-person- Club has been continuously chaired by prof. Zofia Żukowska. Ms. Magdalena Rejf is its secretary.

The POC Fair Play Club is a member of the International Fair Play Committee where our NOC has had its representative for many years. First it was Mr. Janusz Piewcewicz and since 2004 Mr. Kajetan Hądzelek, CIFP Council member. Prof. Zofia Żukowska and Mr. Tadeusz Olszański are CIFP individual members. The POC Fair Play Club has been also a member of the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) since its establishment in 1994. We are represented at each European Fair Play Congress and EFPM General Assemblies during which we present reports on Polish fair play activities and its achievements. In 1996 the EFPM Congress was held in Warsaw. In 2000 EFPM awarded the Polish Olympic Committee with a diploma and plaque for its contribution to the promotion of fair play values in Poland and all around Europe. In 2005 the ceremony of CIFP Fair Play Awards was organized by our NOC at the Olympic Centre.

The Club has its own logo, pins, souvenirs and educational poster presenting the Fair Play Code worked out by prof. Zofia Żukowska and prof. Ryszard Żukowski.

Fair Play Contests

www.olimpijski.pl and in the book "POC Fair Play Club" (Polish-English edition).The annual selection of candidates to Fair Play Awards is the most spectacular task of the POC Fair Play Club. The recipients of main awards are always applied to awards and distinctions given by the International Fair Play Committee and the European Fair Play Movement. Nowadays the Fair Play Awards are given in three categories: fair play act, sports career and worthy life afterwards and fair play values promotion. The list of national editions' laureates who later became laureates of the contests organized by CIFP and EFPM can be found on

Seminars and conferences organized by the POC Fair Play Club

1996 "Fair Play – Sport – Education" – the European Fair Play Congress in Warsaw
2000 "The Olympic Education in the Reforming School" – All-Poland Symposium (with the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw)
2001 "Health – Movement – Fair Play" – All-Poland conference with international guests
2002 "Health and Sport in Global Education" – Panel at IV All-Poland Meeting of the Polish Pedagogic Society
2003 International Symposium "Fair Play in the European Culture and Education" at Moryń (sponsored by SNICKERS and Victory)
2004 Education through Sport" (School Physical Culture Meeting organized together with the Ministry of National Education and Sport)


The publications on the mentioned conferences were worked out and published under the same titles and in the same years under the supervision of Zofia and Ryszard Żukowski.
In 2005 – 2012 the POC Fair Play Club prepared the following publications:
· 1996 "Fair Play – Sport – Education" (Z. Żukowska) – a book prepared for the III European Fair Play Congress
· 1997 "Fair Play – Sport – Education" - Documents of the European Fair Play Congress – English and Polish edition (Z. Żukowska, R. Żukowski)
· 2005, 2009 "Polish Olympic Committee Fair Play Club" (Z. Żukowska) – Fair Play Club activity, laureates of fair play contests, promotion of fair play values
· 2009 "Fair Play in Sport and Olympism. A Chance or Utopia" – English and Polish edition (Z. Żukowska, R. Żukowski)
· Fair Play Club Numbers including merit information about fair play values promotion and didactic workshops for teachers, coaches and sport youth:
- 2011 - Number 1 "Fair Play in Sport and Life of Youth" (M. Czechowski, A. Dąbrowska)
- 2011 - Number 2 "Olympic Education. Normative Documents and Fair Play Codes" (M. Czechowski, Z. Żukowska, R. Żukowski)
- 2012 – Number 3 "Preschoolers' Olympiads" (K. Piech)
We have also translated into Polish and promoted in Poland:

  • 2011 – " The International Fair Play Committee Manifest"
  • 2012 - "Ethical Code of a Coach" (Laszlo Cserhati), published in English by CIFP

Sports for All Festival

The Polish Olympic Committee has been already organizing its Sports for All Festival for 15 years. It is a family event for about 20 thousand participants – young and old. The Fair Play Club members have been always actively participating in the event and in 2011 and 2012 they were supported by the staff of the Lodz University Faculty of Physical Education Sciences and by the staff and students of the Physical Education and Sport Faculty of the Physical Education Academy in Biala Podlaska. They prepared and realized a special program promoting the values of sport and Olympism and fair play rules among participants of the Festival.

The POC Fair Play Club works on daily basis with our Olympic Education Centre aiming to promote fair play values among youth, athletes and coaches.

photo: Sz.Sikora
POC Club Fair Play
Polish Olympic Committee
01-531 Warsaw, Poland
4, Wybrzeże Gdyńskie 4
+48 22 5602700
Fax: +48 22 5603735
President of the Polish Fair Play Club - Prof. dr hab. Zofia Żukowska zuki32@interia.pl
Secretary of the Polish Fair Play Club – Magdalena Rejf mrejf@pkol.pl

Zofia Żukowska
President of the Polish Fair Play Club