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World Fair Play Awards 2011 attributed in Innsbruck

At the CIFP Council meeting held in Innsbruck during the 1st Youth Winter Olympic Games, the decision has been taken on the awardees of the World Fair Play Awards 2011.

The winners are as follows:
Category „Act of Fair Play":
Pierre de Coubertin World Fair Play Trophy
Erhan Yavuz, jockey (TUR)

Katrin Green, athletics (GER)
Antonio J. Leal Pina, fencing (VEN)
Andy Schleck, cycling (LUX)
Ivan Tkachenko, ice-hockey (posthumous) (RUS)

Category „Promotion of Fair Play":
Willi Daume World Fair Play Trophy
Erika Miklósa, opera singer (HUN)
Pal Szekeres, fencing (HUN)

Ben Groen, barefoot waterskiing (NZL)
Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles (BEL)

Category „Sports career and life in the spirit of fair play":
Jean Borotra World Fair Play Trophy
Walter Kilger, table tennis (GER)Laura Vaca Hernandez, swimming (MEX)

Trophies and diplomas will be handed over during the World Fair Play Awards 2011 to be held in Budapest, Hungary on 28 April 2012.